I have a passion for creating photorealistic vector graphics.

Unlike raster images (e.g. .jpg and .png) vector graphics can be scaled to any size without a loss of image quality.
Check out this article to learn more about the many advantages of vector graphics in modern design.

Pocket Watch

A vector recreation of a pocket watch raster.
The original image can be seen on top
overlapping the vector version, with an
outline of the vector along the bottom.

This piece, along with an image I modified in Photoshop,
were featured in the Design As Art gallery showing
at the Machine Shop in March of 2019.

Yellow Beetle

A concept piece. This image is 100% vector graphics.

A mock commercial I produced using these
vector elements is featured on the
Pikes Peak Community College website
as an example of student work.

Water Glass

Another 100% vector image.